Always donate. for childrens

Lend a Helping Hand
to Those In Need

Welcome To City Of Refuge Orphanage Home

Let's give them
a helping hand

Helping Today. Helping Tommorow

Give Child the
Gift of Eductions

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Get to know about City Of Refuge Orphanage Home

Helping the children can make the world better

We believe every indigent child should have the same education, opportunity and basic amenity.We exist to ensure that the orphans/indigent children are adequately catered for.

  • Our mission

    We advocate for, defend the civil rights and provide general humanitarian services to the indigent children.

  • Our Vision

    Helping the vulnerable reach their potentials.




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Every gift supports quality, accessible healthcare, food and Education for those who need it the most. Your support will help reduce the suffering and loss of this children and their mother.​

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Our testimonials

What they’re talking
about City Of Refuge Orphanage Home

Become a volunteer

Volunters helps to care for the children especially the babies and toddlers by bathing, feeding, dressing and playing with them.

Quick fundraising

Fundraising is a great way of raising money to help and support orphans. We need funds support at City of Refuge Orphanage Home

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You can make a one-time donation or recurring donation that fits your budget. Even a small donation can change the life of orphans

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25 December 2023


$3,000.00 Donated

$80,000.00 Goal

Latest Testimony
From Our One Of Our Visitor

Visit By Peace Association Band

Here is just a faw of many testimonies we receive about lives being impacted and transformed by peace association band